Generative AI helps find deals
Who has budgets for what you sell?
As featured in the
Prospecting Tech Spotlight
Budgets.AI is a Generative AI-driven platform that help sales and marketing teams identify and predict relevant budgets.
Free 30 day Trial
No Credit Card Required
AI Predicted Opportunities Accuracy
Typically deals can be identified about 6 months before deal closure. In this example a deal that closed in Feb 2021 was predicted in July 2020.
Team Name identification - 100%
Deal Close Timing Accuracy +- 1 month
Deal Size Accuracy ~ 81%
Demo: Find Opportunities in Your Patch
Opportunities are everywhere. In this demo you will see a sales rep prospecting in the city of Emeryville for AI/BigData related budgets. After finding specific companies and teams, the rep can see the relevant executives in LinkedIn.
How do you get the budget numbers ?
Budget Ranking Algorithm was inspired by Google's Page Ranking Algorithm. Initially a best guess budget is assigned to a team at a location in a company for a specific topic and vendor. This budget amount is further improved through multiple iterations by use of AI and additional information about all known people, projects, partners and products in use at that location. Businesses are constantly changing and evolving. As new information becomes available Budgets.ai continuously updates the estimations.

Tutorial: Learn to use Budgets.ai
AI is not always right. Its still a relatively new technology and needs a leap of faith initially to get comfortable with the recommendations being made. On the upside it can uncover opportunities that your competition may not be aware of... giving you a competitive advantage
Budgets.ai Powers ABM
Budgets.ai Budget and Account ranking by Forecast, Recent Pilots/Eval, Renewal Budgets and Historical Budgets is consumed by ABM platforms for effective targeting and efficient use of Ad spend.
Growth Marketing Conference, SF
We were at the Growth Marketing Conference, Dec 10 - 11 in San Francisco

More Questions:
So how does it work ? What are your data sources? Can you show me a demo?
Contact us:
Huna Makia Inc.
Phone: 408 758 0356
Email: anandk@budgets.ai
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